Truth, injustice, and the new American way
I used to believe in the American justice system. When I was in high school there was not a person on the planet who bled more red, white, and blue than I. I went to see ‘Top Gun’ in the movies and, later that week, I decided to go ROTC in college, going to regular Army basic training a few days after high school graduation. Unfortunately, two days before I left for basic training, I went to see the movie ‘Full Metal Jacket’; a story for another day.
There is nothing inside my heart and head that makes me believe the American justice system is in any way justice for all. Across this great land of ours the justice system is failing everyone, From George Soros prosecutors to the federal justice system who puts white collar crime on par with murder, sentencing wise anyway.
A crime is a crime, which should be dealt with down the line without any variations from a case in California to the same case in Massachusetts. By law, if you enter the United States illegally you are an illegal alien. Why do some prosecutors ignore the law in one state while it is enforced in another? Sanctuary cities, I am sure you have heard of them, is turning your back on the law.
We have judges now in this country who sneak prisoners out of the courthouse to keep ICE agents from detaining illegal aliens. Please tell me when did an illegal alien become an undocumented person? They have documents from another country, just not from the United States of America. They are breaking the law. These individuals should be called, “Documented from another country.”
There is nothing wrong with legal immigration, nothing wrong with it at all. Legal immigration is what built this country and what will continue to build this country; however, when you have individuals skipping the line as others are spending a fortune on attorneys to legally come here, I have a major problem with it.
Personally, I believe everyone who has allegedly committed a crime should have reasonable bail if it was not a violent crime. Letting rapists and murderers leave the courtroom on personal recognizance or a very low bail absolutely blows my educated mind. How can a judge, who went to law school and passed the bar, let the worst of the worst go home? The same judges will put a white-collar criminal behind bars and give them no bail. I am in no way advocating for white-collar criminals, but there aren’t many white-collar criminals who do severe bodily injury to the general public with a pen or by giving paper cuts. Sometimes I get the feeling the government is using incarceration as a business. Maybe all the time, for that matter.
I am not trying to write or explain that I am a man with all the answers. Basically, I am calling it like I see it. I also see how the American veteran is being lost in the criminal justice system. You come back from fighting overseas, with severe PTSD, given all kinds of medication from your psychiatrist at the VA, and expect that individual to be healed from the inside. What happens when you come home injured, and the VA is prescribing oxycodone like they are handing out Halloween candy? Eventually, they stop handing out the prescription drugs. I would assume it is not easy to quit cold turkey. Where do these veterans go to find the medication masking their PTSD? You guessed it, they go to the streets and exchange their prescription drugs for illegal ones. The veteran becomes involved in a morass of negativity, sliding down into a well of the unknown, especially when the money runs out. If you put that veteran in a cage with severe PTSD after he or she has served with honor is an absolute disgrace. We ask our men and women in uniform to go above and beyond, how can we so easily turn our backs on them when they need help? As a veteran myself, I know without a shadow of a doubt that at least half the individuals who leave the battlefield continually stay on the battlefield in their mind when they get home. If you are not from a military family or are a veteran, do you think you can get into the mind of a veteran suffering from PTSD. I would think, as Americans, we owe our heroes more than just throwing them into the criminal justice system. The government expects us to leave our blood, sweat, and tears on the battlefield, knowing full well the psychological damage that has been done to us, the American combat veteran. Do you think it's fair that these American heroes, with prescription drugs masking their mental health problems should be thrown away like they are expendable? Justice? I think not!
No matter what side of the political aisle you are on, be honest with yourself, should we be indicting political candidates? Making someone sign an NDA and giving them money, once they do, is not a crime ladies and gentlemen. Yes, there are two sexes, male and female. That is all I have to say about that.
Judges are either elected or appointed. They are either conservative or liberal, while some have gone
completely woke. Governing from the bench is not justice. Once you put on that black robe your job is to follow the Constitution and the law. Whether you are a Supreme Court Justice or you are a probate court judge, your job is to follow the law and interpret the law faithfully and the way it was written.
I have an acquaintance who has battled her ex-husband while he tries to destroy her financially and emotionally in state court in Ohio. The husband is well connected, very well connected politically in Ohio. There is no way I can begin to tell you from the state Supreme Court to the governor to the clerk in probate court how difficult it is for her to get a fair shake. Integrity and compassion are justice, using political connections to hide money and ruin the life of your ex-wife is injustice.
You swear on the Bible before you give testimony in court, maybe it is time for some of these justices and prosecutors to take an oath, right hand on the Bible, before they make decisions. Will it make a difference? Probably not, but I believe it would at least remind them that the acts they partake in a courtroom should be completely above board. Once America becomes the land of truth, justice, and the American way again will this country go back to being one of integrity.